Scouts (10.5-14)
The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years.
A young person can come in to the Troop at 10 and a half and may stay until they are 14 years old.
The Scout Troop is the third and final Section in the Scout Group. Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.
Balanced Programme
The philosophy underpinning the program
me is that every Scout should participate in a Balanced Programme over a period of time.
Programme has the widest possible interpretation and is not just all the activities that Scouts can take part in. It includes almost anything from archery to youth hostelling. It is also how we do those activities, known as the method, and why we do them, known as the purpose.
Challenges complement the balanced programme and have been developed to extend Scouts’ skills and experience.
The Challenges are optional and include the following:
- The Outdoor Challenge
- The Outdoor Plus Challenge
- The Creative Challenge
- The Fitness Challenge
- The Global Challenge
- The Community Challenge
- The Adventure Challenge
- The Expedition Challenge
- The Promise Challenge
- Group Scout Leader – Lee Hawley
- Scout Leader – Paul Stevenson
- Assistant Scout Leader – Steve White
- Group Chairman – Michael Furnival
- Group Treasurer – Neil Smith
- Assistant Group Treasurer – Steve Adams
- Training Advisor – Lee Hawley
- Website – Doug Marshall